nottingham south Archives - Nottingham Green Party Thu, 13 Jun 2024 08:30:05 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Nottingham Green Party Welcomes General Election with Full Slate of Candidates Fri, 24 May 2024 10:01:22 +0000 The announcement of the 2024 general election scheduled for the 4th of July was welcomed by the Nottingham Green Party this week. The Executive Committee met on the evening that the election was announced to discuss putting the party strategy into action. All candidates had already been selected by a democratic ballot of the party […]

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The announcement of the 2024 general election scheduled for the 4th of July was welcomed by the Nottingham Green Party this week. The Executive Committee met on the evening that the election was announced to discuss putting the party strategy into action. All candidates had already been selected by a democratic ballot of the party membership. These are as follows:

Rushcliffe – Richard Mallender
Email Richard at

Nottingham South – Cath Sutherland
Email Cath at

Nottingham North & Kimberley – Sam Harvey
Email Sam at

Nottingham East – Rosemary Palmer
Email Rosemary at

Gedling – Dominic Berry
Email Dominic at

Find out more about our candidates here.

If you’d like to help our campaign, you can:

If you would like more information please use the contact link at the bottom of the page or email

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Cath Sutherland talks to University Radio Nottingham Thu, 05 Dec 2019 07:33:00 +0000 Our Green Party candidate for Nottingham South, Cath Sutherland, spoke to University Radio Nottingham this week about standing in this 2019 Climate Election. You can hear what she has to say here.

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Our Green Party candidate for Nottingham South, Cath Sutherland, spoke to University Radio Nottingham this week about standing in this 2019 Climate Election. You can hear what she has to say here.

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#VoteGreen2019 – candidates are ready for the #ClimateElection Sun, 24 Nov 2019 09:59:00 +0000 The 12th December 2019 general election campaign is underway, and Nottingham Green Party is fielding the only candidates prepared to take real action on climate change in Nottingham East, Nottingham North, Nottingham South, and Gedling. Michelle Vacciana, Cath Sutherland, Guy Jones and Jim Norris are campaigning to uphold the bold commitments outlined in our manifesto, including: The Green Party is the […]

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The 12th December 2019 general election campaign is underway, and Nottingham Green Party is fielding the only candidates prepared to take real action on climate change in Nottingham East, Nottingham North, Nottingham South, and Gedling.

Michelle VaccianaCath SutherlandGuy Jones and Jim Norris are campaigning to uphold the bold commitments outlined in our manifesto, including:

  • spending £100 billion per year on a real and comprehensive Green New Deal to radically overhaul our economy and infrastructure towards tackling the climate emergency
  • replacing First Past the Post with a proportional voting system
  • campaigning for the UK’s future within a transformed European Union that fights for social and ecological justice.

The Green Party is the only party you can trust to make the right choices to address the urgent problems we face.

So if you’re wondering whether to vote Green in this election, ask yourself: If not now, then when?

For press or campaign queries for any of our candidates please email

Michelle Vacciana for Nottingham East

As a resident of Nottingham East, I have put myself forward as a Green Party candidate because they truly represent the values that I care so much about.

I feel very passionately about the communities where I live and work so when the opportunity unexpectedly arose to do more, I immediately put myself forwards.

Over the past 15 years I have worked consistently in local secondary education; mentoring and offering learning support to pupils who may be finding school life difficult. I feel strongly about the power of creativity and alongside my own creative output have delivered a range of art projects in schools and with different community groups. I am also coming to the end of a 6-year voluntary role as a trustee, which was a new experience and one where I learned much that I can take forwards with me.

I do not come from a political background, which makes this new challenge of standing as a Parliamentary Candidate an even greater one for me but I care very much for others so when the opportunity arose to step forwards and represent the Green Party and my communities of Nottingham East, I didn’t hesitate.

Cath Sutherland for Nottingham South

I have had an ordinary life, working in various jobs, caring for the family. Now I can pursue my lifelong interest in politics. I have always been active in campaign groups and local organisations, such as Greenpeace, Anti-Nazi League and Campaign Against the Cuts in Education.

My employment was in fundraising for the last 15 years or so, for Nottingham Trent Uni, Wiildlife Trusts, Childhealth Advocacy International and Age Concern Nottingham and Notts. Before that I taught/lectured in Economics at colleges of Further Education in Nottingham, and Nottingham Trent Uni. I have also worked in a London local authority and done lots of temporary jobs, including several jobs on farms.

For the last 13 years I have been a self-employed Humanist Celebrant conducting non-religious funerals, weddings and naming ceremonies.

Guy Jones for Nottingham North

This election is one of the most important elections that we will ever have a vote in.

That is not because it is a Brexit election.

It is because it is one of the few remaining elections where it will be possible to put the environment on the agenda, while there is still time to make a difference.

Only a vote for the Green Party can do this.

I first became involved in the Nottingham Green Party in 1989.

I have stood for election for the City Council, County Council, European Parliament and in 1992 became the first Green Party candidate for a parliamentary constituency in the City of Nottingham, when I stood for Nottingham East.

I was chair of the local party when it held the balance of power in Nottingham City Council in the early 1990s and am the current Chair of Nottingham Green Party.

Jim Norris for Gedling

Winter 2019. Looking forward to going into hibernation with some good books.

But somehow I am standing for the Green Party in a General Election. Why would I be doing such a thing at my age (71)?

It’s because I am frightened and angry. And because I still care a lot. I am frightened because I look at my little grandchildren and worry about the legacy we are imposing on them. I imagine the dreadful things they are likely to witness in their lifetimes.

I am angry because we are a planetary crisis and our leaders don’t see it. Worse, they have twigged that there might be some votes in it and have learned a few jargon words.

I am proud to be a member of the ONLY political party that already has a a set of policies and actions specifically aimed at addressing the totality of the oncoming catastrophes.

And I care enough to go out into the cold and wet (wettest Nottingham autumn ever) and give the citizens of Gedling the option of voting for our cause.

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