
Fundraising is an essential factor in running the Nottingham Green Party in order to fund election campaigns and other expenses. 

Members and supporters have a number of ways to make regular contributions:

1. Monthly meetings

At our monthly meeting donations are requested towards the cost of room hire. Nobody has to pay, and there is no minimum or maximum. The collections are generally about 75% of the cost of the room hire. Members are asked to note that coffee, tea and biscuits are voluntarily provided by Committee members and may wish to take that into consideration when paying into the collection at the end of the meeting.

2. Standing orders

A number of members make a monthly donation by standing order. This is the most efficient way we have to raise a steady monthly income. Amounts donated range from £3 to £35. Any other contributions by standing order would be welcomed. Give instructions to your bank along with the following details:

Account name: Nottingham Green Party
Bank: The Co-operative Bank
Sort code: 08-90-74
Account number: 50551680

3. Online shopping

Whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising a free donation for the Nottingham Green Party. There are nearly 3,000 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline, and Sainsbury’s, who will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to the NGP to say thank you for shopping with them. Signing up is simple, and doesn’t cost you anything.

All you have to do is:

There are no catches or hidden charges and the party will be really grateful for your donations.

In addition, there is a browser add-on which will advise you if you are on the site of a retailer which is linked to the easyfundraising scheme. When you see the alert, just click to activate your donation. It’s as easy as that! (Note that for some reason the add on does not currently work in Windows 10 when using Microsoft Edge as the browser – other browsers such as Chrome will work.)

Shoppers who use the easyfundraising Donation Reminder raise 5 times more donations for their cause because it helps them remember. You’ll love it and we will too!

Find out more and help raise 5 time more for the NGP here:

In the first few months after registering NGP with easyfundraising, 2 members have raised £46 without altering their shopping habits and without paying anything extra for their purchases. It’s great if you have ethical doubts about certain online retailers, such as Amazon, because of their low tax payments in the UK. Using easyfundraising with Amazon 1.5% of the purchase price comes to the NGP. That may not sound much but as a percentage of their profits it is probably quite high (e.g. if their profits are 10% of sales the contribution works out at 15% of profits).

One off fund raising events

As and when appropriate events will be organised to raise more funds. If you have ideas of events you think would raise funds, and/or you are willing to help, contact us.

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