Letters From the Frontline – Angela Rayner

What kind of slur on hard working politicians is Sunak’s assertion that Ms Rayner is in charge of the Labour Party? Is it gender specific because she’s a “Ms” with the determination to stand responsibly to her post, or is it political sensitivity because she is thought to be more left wing than the mainstream of her party.

Whichever of these factors motivated his comment, it is one that women should stand together to challenge. Ms Rayner has withstood an ill-founded allegation about her former property. Now she is to be accused of insubordination to a leader she has staunchly supported. Her rather more left wing sympathies than his have been accepted, no doubt, within the “tight ship” he is proud to run Ms Rayner is an outspoken politician who sets a bar for women in politics which we need to applaud.

I am proud to represent a party that stands for equality of opportunity for persons of diverse backgrounds and genders which is able to support and nurture its candidates and offer an election option to voters across the UK. If the major parties find decades of misogyny difficult to slough off, the Green Party offers a rational and well-managed solution.

Rosey Palmer 1st June 2024

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