Please Rushcliffe Council, Save Our Wildlife

Rushcliffe Councillor Richard Mallender, Green Party, put an Ecological Emergency motion to a full council meeting on Thursday 2nd December, asking the council to take responsibility for protecting and restoring the health and diversity of our wonderful British wildlife.

Sadly, the motion, which had cross party support from all opposition groups, was voted down by the ruling Conservatives.

Richard said, “It’s a great shame that the motion was defeated, but we will continue to work to protect Rushcliffe’s wildlife and to make sure the council also plays its part.”

Climate change is not the only threat to our wild animals, insects and plants: many other aspects of human activity are also leading to a catastrophic loss of biodiversity. The complex web of life of plants and animals that interact, depend on each other and make our country such a beautiful place is constantly under threat.

Loss of habitat, intensive farming, destruction of hedgerows and woodland has led to a huge decline in the numbers of birds, insects and plant species. More than 40% of our insect species are declining, and a third are endangered. Our bird population has decreased by over a quarter since the seventies. And the loss is accelerating.

The government already says that councils have a duty to conserve biodiversity. But that is only going to happen if each council makes specific policies and commitments to address the actions that are needed to halt the tragic decline of our natural world.

For questions or comments about this article please contact:

Cath Sutherland
Press Officer

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